Graduate Profile

Graduates have the ability to master artificial intelligence and cyber security that are highly competitive at both national and international levels. Possess specialized knowledge, general intellectual and life skills that equip them for the world of work and the future as a basis for continuous learning and lifelong self-development. have professionalism and commitment in scientific development, self-confidence, adaptability in communicating and working together.

Type of Work

– Data Scientist
– Manager Artificial Intelligence
– Manager Data Security
– Project Manager
– Software Engineer
– IT Security Engineer
– Manager Blockchain Architecture
– Manager IOT
– IOT Robotics Specialist
– Cyber Security Analyst
– Security Architect
– IT Researcher
– IT Lecturer
– Government Employment

Program Educational Objective (PEO)

Program Educational Objective (PEO)
PEO1Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki daya saing tinggi, berprofesi sebagai ahli profesional, dan berkompeten di bidang Kecerdasan dan Keamanan Buatan baik secara teoritis maupun praktis.
Providing graduates who have high competitiveness, work as professional experts and are competent in Artificial Intelligence and Security in both theoretical and practical aspects.
PEO2Menghasilkan lulusan yang mempunyai sikap dan karakter yang baik, bertanggung jawab, mempunyai sifat kepemimpinan, mampu mengabdikan diri untuk belajar sepanjang hayat dalam melakukan penelitian dalam menghasilkan penelitian yang bermanfaat.
Provide graduates who have good attitudes and character, are responsible, have leadership qualities, are able to devote themselves to lifelong learning in conducting research in producing useful research.
PEO3Menghasilkan lulusan yang memiliki basis pengetahuan akademis yang kuat, yang dapat mengembangkan ilmu dan berbagi ilmu sehingga dapat berperan sebagai instruktur dan pelatih.
Provide graduates who have a strong academic knowledge base, who can develop knowledge and share knowledge so that they can act as instructors and trainers.